Friday, December 02, 2005

Another Class Complete!

Damn, Midori must get tired teaching so many days of the week in different cities. I did 2 nights in a row in my own city and my throat hurts! I mean, talking non stop (well I have no problem doing that) to a room of people 2 nights in a row seems to have worked my vocal cords a little too much or something...I wonder if tying up my man and giving him a blowjob will help that? I hope so, it sounds like fun! Some hot cum might be exactly what my poor throat needs LOL!

I am just finishing burning DVD's of images to go to the publisher in NYC for my book. It's funny, I kept going back to chapters and just cutting a sentence here, and adding a sentence there, etc. I eventually had to stop myself from changing anymore and just leave it to the editor from now on!

Oh, and I also had to add a page with all of the links for stores I reccomend, etc as well as sites that I have. So, that was strange. No point in listing if I don't plan on doing something with it right? So I listed it, I guess that means I'm doing it! My own version of whippedass...that's actually exactly what i need, I can;t tell you hpw much I miss slapping girls around and fucking them with strap on's, etc! I will now approach the 3 webmasters I know to see which one will give me the fairest deal (I don't have time to webmaster myself when I'm shooting, directing, editing, teaching and writing books...well maybe I could do it but I'm really trying hard not to be a workaholic!).

Okay, gotta go and send these discs off!


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