Monday, January 23, 2006

Adrianna is FUCKING SEXY!!!

Oh my god, I shot with Adrianna Nicole today (aka Seven, Petal Benson, etc) and she is just amazing! Things got off to a rough start when i noticed I had forgotten to pack the battery for the kino flo...the kino flo is basically the "money shot" light that sits on the front of the camera...without it, the pussy, ass, etc is not lit...which is bad. I raced back home (from the location in Pacifica) and grabbed it.

When I returned we were running 20 minutes late. Finally we got started and the shoot was going well but then the damn kino battery ran out of juice so we started moving around the omni's to light the "money shot" thing you know, one of the omni bulbs blow! Of course, I had spares with me but changing this bulbs is not basically involves dismantling the light...agh, and I have Adrianna in bondage so she can't wait.

By the time the omni was fixed, the kino was charged again so I finally got to fuck her in the ass! Unfortunately there wasn't really anything for me to tie her too so we had the sex without the bondage (the rest of the shoot had bondage) but she stuck my bog black cock in her ass and rode it like a champ while I grabbed and slapped her tits...mmm!

So, all in all, it was very stressful day BUT I think we got a fucking shit-hot shoot out of it so I'm sure it was worth all of the stress! That's 6 shoots now for Chanta's Bitches....4 more and I can finally launch, woohoo!


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