Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Keep on Truckin'

My god, why isn't there more hours in the day? I mean, I am productive, I really am, for example, it is 2pm now and this is what I have done already today:

Checked and answered e-mails.
Had phone appt with Partner (Chance) about TGP's, etc.
Uploading 002_Madison for this weeks CB's update.
Done the dishes, folded my husbands laundry and put it away, tidied bedroom and kitchen.
Returned calls to prospective DVD distributor and to someone else that wants to produce a "how to" DVD with me.
Sent out e-mails confirming London shoots.
Started researching literature for my next book.

And to be fair, this was not one of my most productive mornings. By 7pm this list will be much more impressive and will include cooking my hubby a delicious meal and making a dessert from scratch (yes, he is spoilt but I love him very much).

Okay, gotta go, lots to do!
p.s. I am so in love with Christina Carter right now, I finished the first edit on her video last night and fuck, it is so fucking hot, she really is sex on legs.


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