Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hard Work!

Wow, I have spent months working on things and have felt so useless. I'm an impatient person. I hate that I wrote an entire book in 2 weeks and then I have to wait over 6 months to get it published and on shelves...but that's life, and I have always worked a lot faster than the rest of the world...that's why i ran 3 sites at CNE...everyone else ran 1 in a 40 hour week, I ran 3 and loved every minute of it!

Anyway, my point is, it seems that all of the hard work may soon actually be "visible", ie, will have a finished product! The book is in layout (finally), Chanta's Bitches already has 3 scenes shot, 1 scene video edited and one scene still pictures edited (well almost, I've done 220 pics). AgentSM is just waiting for the merchant account to be finalised and is pretty much ready to launch AND (this is the big one) I got a letter from the INS letting me know the date of my interview. If all goes well there I will then have a greencard and will be able to travel...UK and Aus here I come!

I am trying to focus on the positive. All of the projects I am working on have not and are not cheap...and after meeting with some investors that were kind of slimy they are all totally self funded...thus, I am almost broke BUT if they work out, it will have all been worth while.

Fingers crossed!

p.s. Pic is from a "Chanta's Bitches" shoot yesterday with Madison Young!


Blogger ArabianShark said...

Great. Good luck with your interview. Here's hoping all your investments pay out tenfold. It's good to see you back on the uprise.
We're all very excited about Chanta's Bitches. When can we expect to find it up and running?

4:24 AM  
Blogger Chanta Rose: Bondage Expert said...

Hopefully mid-late February is when I will launch. There is a lot to do between now and then; the shooting, the editing, the site design, the affiliate program, etc...but I am working very hard. I edited over 400 pictures yesterday and half a video.

11:37 AM  

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