Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Slight Ego-Boost!!!

Some of you reading this may find it funny but you should know that a person has a different outlook on themselves than say...other people do. I don;t consider myself a model anymore, I really don't. It's an ironic thing to write seeing as I modeled for a shoot today but you see, when I was a glamour/adult/bondage model from 1999-2003 (in 2002 I started working at CNE and in early 2003 I was diagnosed with cancer so aside from CNE shoots I stopped modeling) I worked my ass off. Literally, I did upto 3 shoots in a day, every day...and when I wasn't shooting I ws sending my pics off to more photographers in more countries to get more work...and I did some amazing work in my years.

Anyway, I'll be in LA in about a month teaching and book signing at Erotica...and I had an empty day so I decided to post on OMP (OneModelPlace) that I had one day available, would anyone like to shoot a PAID shoot (lots of photographers try to gte models for free) and what do you, less than 3 hours later I have had 6 offers to shoot that day. It feels nice to know people still want to shoot me, I don't feel attractive anymore...not like I did when I was 22 anyhow...and I certainly don't feel like a model, I mean I sit at home and do laundry and write books, it is a totally different life...and I have a big scar on my neck from surgeries...but to know that I do still fit the mold (at least a little) of a model enough to be get good, nice paid shoots (theres a lot of paid work available I would not call good or nice) has brought a smile to my face.

Take care,


Blogger ArabianShark said...

I'd be willing to wager you'd be able to get tonnes of modelling jobs, if you were looking for them as you used to. Why shouldn't you?

7:59 AM  
Blogger Chanta Rose: Bondage Expert said...

Why don't I? Well, modeling is boring for one LOL! It really is like watching grass grow and I have never been one of those girls that does something she doesn't like (anymore) know, like when you go to a stripclub and there's the really bitter girl just there for the money and hating it because she's done it for 10 years and is over it (mentally)...I always said (in any line of work) I would never be that girl. Just because other people go to jobs every day that they hate does not mean I have to!!!! I don't hate modeling...but I am "over it" and only really get talked into it by photographers that are also good friends...see, then it's social and fun. That's different.

4:24 PM  
Blogger ArabianShark said...

I meant "why shouldn't you get, them", not "why shouldn't you look for them", but thanks for the insight.
On another note, I really wouldn't know how it is when you go to a strip club; I myself have never been to one. Not that I condemn stripping clubs - or stripping, for that matter - but it's just not my cup of tea, really.

4:58 PM  

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