Saturday, August 19, 2006


You know, it is a feeling I have not felt in a very long time. I used to feel it at CNE all the time...everytime I would check the monthly sales on MenInPain I would feel accomplished (they were always up on the previous month) wasn't just that I was going to earn more that month (although that was also nice) but rather it made me feel valuable, like I was doing my job well and achieving something for the company. It is a felling that I miss on a daily basis.

Well, yesterday I felt it just a little bit. It was a big day for my little publishing company (those that have not figured it out I am a partner of BDSM Press, the publisher of my book "Bondage for Sex"), we filled an order of 1500 books. This leaves less than 600 books from the initial print run...and we haven't even supplied to the UK or Europe yet, these sales are in Canada, USA and Australia only. Needless to say, it is time to reprint!

Unfortunately, that takes money, upfront and even though my books have sold like hot cakes the company itself has not yet received it's first payment from general trade (ie. Amazon, B&N, etc)...and these are the larger cheques we need to be able to reprint. It's a text book case in publishing really, most small publishing companies struggle with cashflow for this very have the printer who gets their money upfront and then you have the general trade that make the publisher wait 90-120 days for their the publisher is stuck in the middle waiting to get paid by the general trade so that they have the $$$ to pay the printer, etc LOL! We'll figure it out though! I do not want my book to become unavailable, and I need to sell lots more to generate the $$$ to be able to shoot/layout/print/etc Volume 2 (which I brainstormed some ideas for the other day actually).

Had dinner with Madison Young last night at Picaro in the Mission. I LOVE Tapas!! We ate A LOT of food...but there is always room for dessert so I had my favorite chocolate mousse in all of the sity...YUM!

Gotta go edit the porno now!



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