Monday, February 18, 2008

Broken Arm...

Hubby called me last night with bad news, he had a fall while going over a jump snowboarding and has broken his wrist. I'm not exactly sure how bad it is yet, he went to the clinic on the mountain and they x-rayed, splinted, etc but now he's on his way home and then we'll be off to Kaiser.

Normally when hubby goes snowboarding he takes vicodin with him. I give him a bottle of pills because I worry about his older brother. I always think he will be injured (he's a dare devil!) but this year he didn't go so I forgot to give Marty the vicodin...I bet he would have needed it last night. I doubt plain old tylenol would have taken much of the edge off of the pain.

I hope he's okay, I just want him to be home....


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