Saturday, September 27, 2008

Guilt Tripping into Donation Giving?

Some of you may remember my post a couple of months back about how I was ending my contributions to Environment California (which I did). They called me about a week ago, which I thought was strange as I am not longer a contributing member but of course I should have realized that my name and number would be kept on file forever, and even sold to other charities so that I receive a mountain of mail asking for contributions to other causes...but, this is a side rant, and not why I am posting.

So, the topic of this call was that EC are trying to raise money to help promote Barack Obama in those 4 states that really decide the election. They want the money so they can send people door to door in those states and try to get people on board to vote for Obama. When I receive a call like this (at 9pm no less) I usually hang up very quickly. Do not call me, and intrude on my life...that is what I think of these cold callers, etc, they are intrusive. The e-mails I can loive with, even the paper mail (even though I find it hugely wasteful) but to phone someone or worse, knock on their door is just wrong. Soo anyway, I immediately said I was not interested to which the caller responded "So, you don't care about the environment?" with a judging tone in her voice. At which point I hung up...but it really pissed me off.

I realize we have been guilt tripped into donating money to worthy causes for years by seeing images of Katrina, and the famines in Africa, etc....but it's different because you see such images and feel awful for those people and WANT to help in any way you can...not necessarily because of guilt from having comfort in your life.

I really don't see how this bitch expected a positive reaction from someone with her judging tone and asshole question that was designed to enrage...I have to wonder if it works on other people? After I hung up I just thought, 1. I would never support the intrusive act of knocking on people's doors and 2. I have given hundreds of dollars to this organisation while being unemployed and unpaid and now this cunt suggests I don't care? The only thing she succeeded in doing is that I will never give to them again, ever.


Blogger Krog said...

Hey chanta, you (of all people) can't allow yourself to be mindfucked by these people. I used to try my hand at mindfucking telemarketers, but you would be at least 1000 times better than me. Here is the template. Plz check it out:

I never thought of this one and I don't have the skills to pull it off, but you would make this guy look like an amateur. With your voice and ability to improvise a bondage scenario, you could break down any telemarketer in minutes.

Like this guy, I made it a point to set the agenda for the call, ignoring whatever they wanted to say. I didn't let them talk. I also asked them where they were and learned that many were instructed not to say because management was afraid that a disgruntled person might come over there and blow the place up!

Any telemarketer who is stupid enough to cold-call the best domme in the world deserves her punishment.


6:16 PM  

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