Saturday, October 04, 2008

Gianna Jessen

wow, I mean WOW. I just watched her "live birth" ad which is so unbelievably flawed I do not even know where to begin. Really, this is what you're using against Obama? Being pro-choice does not mean being okay with abortions being performed on someone who is heavily pregnant. Gianna Jessen, you should be disgusted at your mother who was too stupid to abort you earlier (you know, at 6 weeks, or 8, or hell, even 12) and the doctor who clearly has no moral code and was perfoming an illegal procedure.

This whole "born alive" crap is just that, total crap. I will need to check the law but weren't "partial-birth" abortions made illegal a long time ago (under George Bush)? An actual in-clinic termination done with a vaccum like device is rarely done after 16 weeks (certainly not after 20) so the chance of a living, breathing infant being born are none. A 20 week old foetus cannot survive outside of the womb: fact.

Perhaps I expect too much of people, but if you get pregnant and you decide you do not want to carry to term then have the common sense to "deal with it" before you are showing. This is not the middle ages. We know how we get pregnant, and how long pregnancy takes so any woman who waits until she is 20 weeks + to make that decision is so mentally limited she probably shouldn;t be permitted to have children anyhow.

And for the record, I am pro-choice, just not pro-stupidity or pro-murder. An illegal abortion performed on a mother carrying a 29 week old foetus is murder, and there are many people who should be ashamed but Obama is not one of them.


Blogger ArabianShark said...

I actually know a few people who were born after only seven months rather than the usual nine. That's about 28 weeks. So aborting at 29 weeks (or 20, for that matter) does consititute murder in my book.

I too am pro-choice. I'm also pro-sense.

2:30 PM  
Blogger ArabianShark said...

Not meaning to contest you, but I just went to look for that ad and either I could only find an abridged version or there is no mention of being either pro-choice or pro-life (as if pro-choice people were firmly opposed to life and sought to end it wherever it may lurk). She just criticised Obama on opposing a bill to provide medical care to babies born after failed abortion attempts. On that point, I'd have to agree with her.

Also, on an interview, she stated her failed abortion was attempted via a saline solution, not a vaccum device.

2:45 PM  
Blogger ArabianShark said...

Right, so she is overtly against abortions. That was a waste of a perfectly good paragraph. Sorry.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Chanta Rose: Bondage Expert said...

You are agreeing with me. I think I made the exact same point.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was born at around 29/30 weeks, according to the medicals record that she has published. An abortion at such a late stage was, and still is, illegal.
And yes, it was a saline abortion. But her story of being "burned in the womb" by the saline is just hogwash. A saline solution is just that - salt and water. It works by stopping the baby's heart pretty well instantly - so long as it's properly injected. Obviously, the doctor here was just incompetent; the fact that he actually sent her to a hospital once she was born suggests that he wasn't entirely the callous baby-murderer she paints him as. Heck, he was apparently prosecuted some six months later for doing an illegal abortion on her mother - he could have avoided that by letting the infant die.
Her sob-story of her mother lying unattended in in labour in a roomful of other aborting women is unsupported by any facts - her mother has never come forward publicly.
From the age of 14, Jessen has worked as an anti-abortion campaigner - she makes her entire living from it. So she has a great deal invested in what she does.

5:34 AM  

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