Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The East Coast Trip!

Yes, I have made it back to SF in one piece after a hectic 6 day little east coast tour.

I landed at JFK, headed to CT for the night and then got up in the moring to drive to Boston to teach at the Good Vibes store up there. It's always interesting to me to meet the people in different cities and see how they react to the classes and adjust my behavioyr accordingly! What do I mean by that? Basically, that in SF my classes can be somehwat crude...and usually by the end all of the women in the class are topless and we're all discussing porn and sex while rigging. This doesn't happen many other places...and Boston did seem a little conservative, i found myself keeping some of my porno stories to myself LOL! Still, it was a great class in a beautiful store...and I had some nice sushi beforehand too! After the class I did the 3 hour drive back to Sth. Norwalk, CT...ugh, that was hard.

Anyway, back in CT I did a bondage shoot where I was all tied up LOL! Then had a lovely steak dinner. Next day I headed down to NYC to do some hair modeling and then teach WiredCock/WiredCunt at Purple Passion which was a bit of a strange class for me. My classes usually focus on 1 gender...this is why I have a bondage class directed for men, etc...because they are different to women! So it was weird haviing to switch to women half way through but it seemed to work. The male demo was great, wish I could take him with me everywhere for the male electro classes.

Headed to Philly to stay with Veronica (who was also my demo model for all classes) and had a great time. I really LOVE Philadelphia, the food, the atmosphere, etc, it was great and the classes rocked too....let's just say people in Philly welcomed my crudeness with open arms!

Okay, gotta go edit...off to London in just over a week and lots to do before then!

take care,


Blogger ArabianShark said...

I envy you... I should be in London this year too, but not until very late December. The ninety something days feel like ninety something years.

1:42 PM  

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