Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Working like CRAZY!!!

I'm off to NYC this weekend and need to have updates, etc for the site done, uploaded and ready to go before I leave. Now, I've managed to get all of the editing, encoding, etc done but have been having huge problems uploading material to the server. This is the last straw for the company I am with so I have just a contract with a new compnay that should be much, much better. I'm far, far too busy to be slowed down by hosting/server issues.

So far, the shoots I've seen from LA have come out pretty fucking well! First up is Miss Kimberly Kane who is definitely my new porn wife, I totally love her, even editing the video got me excited and that NEVER happens as I'm usually focused on the task at hand: editing...not getting excited LOL! She is a gem, a nice 3 minutes of added behind-the-scenes footage on this one too.

Been having lots of strange feelings lately, mainly frustration. I want to expand my business (more sites, more books, etc) faster than the company income will allow. It's like I've totally forgotten that I should actually get paid one day (LOL) and would rather just reinvest the money to expand, expand, expand. In a perfect world I would have $100,000 more to invest (what am I saying, in a perfect world I would have either had millions...or not lost my job at CNE) which would equate to 1 more book and 2-3 more sites (to launch, not maintain), it would be the fast track to creating a serious brand presence on the web, something that is not really possible (in my eyes anyway) with one site.

Gotta go back to work!


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