Thursday, February 08, 2007


I have trouble sleeping, I have for years but when the hormones are taken away (basically my fake thyroid) for 7 weeks sleep is not a problem you have any longer...actually, the problem is the opposite, all the body wants to do is sleep!

I don't dream. If I do I never remember them, not even a hint of a dream...but about a week ago I had nightmares, 2 nights in a row. One had to do with the only family member I am close to drowning. The following night had to do with me and has haunted me ever since.

Last Monday I went to Nuclear Medicine to take my tracer dose of radioactive iodine. Then I left and went and had dinner with Marty. Over dinner I realised that before I took the radiation I had not been asked if I was preganant (to which I would have replied no) and had not been told to do a test. Before any test like this you are always asked and then regardless of the answer made to do a test.

The next night I had this graphic nightmare that after taking the radiation and doing my scan, a few weeks later I would indeed find out I was pregnant in the most awful way. I would be shooting on location in LA and begin to miscarry. There would be blood everywhere. My dream was so graphic. I can remember Angela (my PA) covering the passenger seat in the rental SUV with plastic trash bags, and towels drenched in blodd between my thighs and Justin (videographer) driving 100 miles an hours to get me to the hospital.

Anyway, it has bothered me every day since. I was freaked out after the dream that the next morning I did a pregnancy test (negative) even though my period was not due for another 2 weeks.

I have no real reason to believe I am pregnant. I am not late and my tits hurt a lot but they do every month....I am so strung out on this dream not being a dream but rather a preminition that I have never wanted to bleed so much in my life....and all of this anxiety has been caused by a Nuclear Medicine not following protocol.


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