Monday, October 24, 2005

Ugh, Unpacking Hell!!!

The first day we moved in I got so much done. The entire mater bedroom with all clothes and the huge majority of the kitchen. Had I have continued at that rate the house would now be fully unpacked and may start to feel like home. Unfortunately I haven;t had a chance to do any unpacking since that first day!

What is most annoying is all of the little things that you discover are wrong with a place after you move in; like finding a hold in the ground in the 2nd bedroom closet that you never knew about, and the toilet is clogged and the shower head is fucked! The house is 112 years old so obviously all of the doors don't close fully (they stick) and the shower leaks doown into the garage LOL!!!! Honestly with the price of SF real estate you would think what you would get would be perfect but the harsh reality is that once you move in the repairs begin. Agh, the joys of home ownership! I never realised how easy it was to just phone the landlord when something didn't work!!!

I did the bondage photography workshop yesterday and it went really well! I'll write more about it as soon as I get some shots to share with you!

Take care,
