Tuesday, November 08, 2005

When it rains it pours!

Wow, I just seem so busy! That's the thing with starting a new business right? You are really busy and you soend money but you don't really make any money yet LOL! Especially in this day and age, so much time and money is spent on contracts, offers, legal costs, etc. I have been offered a "job" from a spanking website and it's really hard to hash out the details. I know I can improve their product 10-fold and thus increase their sales, etc but what kind of deal do I want? Profit share, content and services or just a pay me and forget about it kind of deal? That's when things get tricky; yes I want to be paid but what if I teach them everything I know, improve their sales and then they drop me? In that regards profit share would be better; but would it be only applicable to the term of employment or like a book would the royalties continue forever? Agh! Dammit, I knew I should have studied law all those years ago.

Back to my labor of love,
p.s. the pic is from a shoot with Bootiful I did the other week.


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