Monday, December 26, 2005

A Labor of Love?

So, I have received my manuscript back from the publicher in it's proof read and edited version. NOw, I must go through it with a fine toothcomb...this is the clast chance to find spelling or grammatical errors that may have been made...after this, it goes to pront and if I have fuckec up somewhere then it is too bad...agh the stress...but even worse the boredom! I wrote this book...and I have read it, changed it, re-read it, etc multiple times. Going through it, checking every last little comma is so blah...and so time consuming. I'm about 6000 words that's a third of the way as the manuscript is just under 18,000 words. I'm going to try and get a lot done today but then I also worry that if I go through it too quickly I will miss something. I already found one spelling error that the proofreader didn't catch...I don't blamer her though. I have to say those people earn every penny...cos this work is BORING!


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