Friday, February 03, 2006

The Book is taking Soooooo Long

I have had so many "release dates" in my mind for "Bondage for Sex" and I have to keep pushing them is so frustrating. I wrote the book in 2 weeks and shot the photos in 2 days and now I have to wait months and months for layout? Really, does it take that long? Maybe I am missing something but I think what I am going to have to do is just say the release of my book isn't until like..July and then it may actually come early...I am certainly not going to hit the March 1st date that I had hoped for if it hasn't even gone to print yet and the layout is only 1/3 done!

It does look pretty fucking amazing though! The first 50 pages that I have seen really do rock and I sure it will be worth the this has been a learning experience that I will now have should I choose to do a second book...yes, maybe I can write it fast and shoot it fast, etc but that doesn't mean anything else will be fast about it at all LOL! So here I was thinking this book would be early 2006 and the next early I know this will be mid 2006 and the next late 2007...I just wish I had have known that before!

I should be editing video right now...but I'm not. Hubby is home sick and needs me to look after him so I think I'll just do some photo editing instead...that I can do on my laptop sitting next to him.


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