Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I haven't really been writing here again despite the fact there is a lot to share. The last 15 months or so have been very humbling to me...and in some ways I suppose this is good, I never really had empathy for people before and now I do...and a lot of things that used to seem important just don't seem to be after having the big C again...but I do miss that innocence I used to have, that playfulness. I see it in photos of myself from 10, 8, even 4 years ago when I look into my eyes, my eyes seem happy...now they seem...something else, as if I learnt all too early in life that we don't live forever or something.

I received an e-mail from my Dad last week titled "Chanta Rose"...needless to say he never knew my stage name and any e-mail titled that could only be bad. It was typical my Dad in style; cold, cruel, judgemental and attacking the only 2 things he knows how to attack: intelligence and finances (sorry Dad, but I've supported myself for a decade so the latter doesn't work on me...and I can quite easily pay for law school without you should I choose to go). The most annoying thing is that he assumes to know what others think, he even assumes to know what I think (that I must be ashamed of what I do). Dad, how does it feel to be the last to know? How pathetic, that everyone around you is acting as if they didn't know so they do not have to feel your rath. They all knew, the friends, the family, etc...they all knew, a few of them even collected the magazines I was in. And as for me, I am not ashamed of what I do, if I was I would not do it....and you may think I am the scum of the earth (with the cockroaches wasn't it?) but you're a closed-minded fool. I'm sure people that deal heroin to children rank higher than pornographers in your mind. And please, as if you didn't know. You knew about Playboy, you knew about the TV shows on adult channels, you knew about Page 3, about the fact that I tied people up and that I was tied up...so where exactly is the surprise? Is it in the words "Porn Star"?

Of course my father also assumes everyone in the industry is stupid...which is why I fit in right? Dad, I won't argue that there are some people in the biz (and every biz for that fact) that have shit for brains but my friends are all intelligent...the majority have degrees and qualifications that your puny brain would not be able to comprehend (nor mine).

So Dad, this is my reply to you. 10 years ago I put an ocean between us for a reason and I will live where I want to live, married to whom I wish to be married to, doing what I love. My life, not yours...and unlike your other children, you have not had to pay for my love, you have it regardless. I will continue to be close with my brother, I will bring my husband to Australia at some point...and my business, my book, etc. That too will come to Australia also. Your are not immigration, you do not rule Australia as much as your ego may allow you to think you do...and I will not remove Australia from my life or my business to please you.


Blogger ArabianShark said...

It seems you wrote this in quite the amount of pain and anger, but who can blame you? You've every right to be upset.
I'd just like to remind you that it's not in the nature of people as a whole to change rapidly, and BDSM is still somewhat new to many people, both as a whole and as individuals. This makes your work, as someone who shows everyone that some things that used to be preemptorily labeled as "perverse" and "unnatural" are indeed natural and beautiful, so important and for that all of us bondage enthusiasts thank you in our hearts every day. But you already know this.

7:58 AM  

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