Saturday, February 10, 2007


You know, sometimes it's just best to know, and sometimes it's best, when you're so close to finishing something to just complete it. What does this mean?

1. I did a pregnancy test, actually I did 2 and they were bothe negative. In my 14 years or so of having a menstrual cycle I am never late, I am never irregular. I have a 25 day cycle that is like clockwork and always has been (except when I have actually been pregnant) and right now, it is non-existant. It muct be the lack of hormones and the overdose of stress, but whatever it is, it is not a pregnancy. Under normal circumstances a pregnancy would not be bad news...but the month of taking radioactive iodine would be bad, very bad and that foetus would not survive. 1 major stress gone.

2. My work on Fucked and is done. The rest is now upto Tony and our programmer, and then of course Visa. The movies are uploaded, the promos are done, the text is written, the update page pics chosen. 10 full videos of hard bondage fucking....done, any problems that arise with scripting, or billing, etc are not my problem to deal with. I will be in LA shooting the porn, not to be bothered with any of that! Another major stress, gone.

I slept in to after 12noon today. My body clearly needed the rest, and later today i have to pick up a rental SUV and load it for the LA trip but for the mpst part, today I want to relax, and not think about editing, shooting, or anything else. Maybe I'll go to the hot tubs for an hour or so.

take care,


Blogger ArabianShark said...

Glad to know everytinhg turned out fine.

1:22 PM  

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