Sunday, February 05, 2006

Not a lot to report

Been an uneventful couple of days. Marty is sick...still after like 5 days and he really, really is sick, can;t stop coughing, etc so I have been looking after him; lots of OJ and chicken broth! I feel a little sick myself but am fighting it off with force...lots of OJ and chicken broth for me too but in an effort to prevent rather than cure!

The rope party at the citadel on Friday night was AWESOME!!!! I did a quick escape proofing class before the party and there was soooo many people...over 80 people at my class which is just a huge amount, needless to say, about 45 minutes in I lost control of the class as the space became a huge mesh of rope and flesh! I think everyone has fun though which I suppose is the main thing! For a class that size the presenter really needs a couple of assistants to help out...little me on my own didn't stand much of a chance! Can't wait to do it again though!


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