I am an insomniac....a huge insomniac. I used to love sleep, actually I still do, it's just that I can't seem to do it. 6 months ago I read online that if you were on Yasmin birth control for a long time (I had been for 3 years) it could cause insomnia and that withion a couple of months of coming off you'd be fine. I came off...I still can't sleep. I wouyld occassioanlly slip myself a nytol or tylenol pm...maybe once every 2 weeks when I was really, really exhausted. I have even made sure I don't have bad "bed habits"...like doing things other than sleeping in my bed. Apparently, if you read, work on your computer, eat, etc in bed your mind no longer sees it as a place only for sleeep (and sex) and it can be harder to sleep.
For long haul flights I always get prescribed sleeping pills. It's a dream, get on the plane, eat the meal, watch the first movie, pop a couple of temazipan and bam...you wake up in Australia totallly refreshed and not even a tiny bit jet lagged. Make sure you stay awake all day and then just to be safe take a couple more before bed and your body will totally be on the correct timeclock for where you are in the world...I love it.
Anyway, I was prescribed these just before my trip, 30 of them to be exact which would usually last me a year of international travels, maybe more. It's been 3 weeks...and I have only 6 pills left. Fuck. I mean, I just can't sleep.
I shot 2 huge scenes on Saturday. I was up at 6am, worked (hard) all day, llifting, carrying, shooting...exhausted. Came home and still cooked my man dinner. Went to bed after midnight (even though have been exhausted all day)...and guess what I couldn't sleep. So after a couple of nights of this I give in and last night I take a couple of pills and then I get to sleep...I also wake up grouchy and bitchy.
Like food and water, a person needs sleep. What is wrong with me? Why won't my breain stop spinning so that I can sleep? I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't gamble, I've never done drugs...I've never been even slightly close to being addicted to anything and now, after a life of mature decisions I'm getting hooked on sleeping pills...but without them I don't sleep. (oh, and I don't drink anything caffeinated bed) What do I do?
Seriously, any insomnia advice would be more than welcome. I'm trying everything and it isn't working.