Today is the day when I almsot needed to report my mother for fraud.
About a month ago I logged onto my Australian accounts just to see how they were doing. I have had these acccounts since I was a teenager and have a fair amount of savings there (actually, it's what I consider a small amount except that the US $ isn't worth piss so actually it's now quite a bit LOL). When I travel to Oz I never spend any o/s funds, I just use my Oz accounts. My credit card there is kept in credit of $500 at all times and has not been used since March, 2006 so imagine my surprise when my online banking says I owe $4700! Of course I freaked out and reported the card stolen, etc, and then the bank starts reading off the charges. Fucking grocery shopping and house bills....
My mom stole my credit card. She does not have one herself because she put over a million dollars into slot machines a few years back....basically she does not have one because she should not have one...but she has helped herself to mine. I was very, very upset. I don't really have "family" these days. My husband is pretty much it. My little brother grew up and doesn;t think hanging out with big sister is cool anymore, my Dad has disowned because of the "Bondage for Sex" book...and now my mom steals my visa card.
I have not received a pay cheque in 2 years so I could not have given her a lot but if she had have told me she was struggling I could have found $2000 or so for her (not as a loan, as a gift). When I told her this she said she would never ask me for, no, you'll just take my fucking visa card and then fuck up my credit record in Australia.
Anyway, shhe asked me to give her a month...and I don't know where she got the money from but the card is paid off in full. Sure, the $500 credit is gone but I'm not going to be petty about that. I am just relieved. I would not have hesitated to report her...she's a grown woman that should have known better and needs to learn to work out her own messes.
Take care,